Carrie Schuman

Director of People Operations

Carrie Schuman
Carrie Schuman

The passion and inspiration from the CuliNEX team is infectious.


I was born and raised in Northern California and have adopted Seattle as my home. I absolutely love the beautiful environment, with year-round green, glorious trees, and an expanse of water. When the sun comes out, this town comes alive. I'm here for the people, the food, the coffee, and the water!

What Inspires Me:

I'm so inspired by the people that I work with. Their passion and creativity is INFECTIOUS. In my role, I love to make small and large strides in improving employee's work life, from solving problems, helping them with challenges, and making our company a great place for employee growth and enjoyment. I look forward to my part in making CuliNex a place for the team to grow and flourish.

Guiltiest Food Pleasure:

Without a doubt, my guiltiest food pleasure is tiramisu. If it is available, it belongs on my plate! And cheesecake and vanilla Oreos are a close second and third.

Areas of Specialization:

I bring more than twenty-five years of human resource background to CuliNex with broad experience across all facets of people operations. My primary expertise is with human resources information systems, using software and information to improve work life, allowing people to focus on their work and passion.

When I'm Not in the Office:

When I'm not working, I'm in search of a stunning view, and Seattle has plenty to offer. I set out to discover food and dining experiences around this amazing town and join my husband on our sailboat to gain a different perspective of the Pacific Northwest from the water.


  • SHRM-CP and PHR Certification
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