PSIFT New Professionals Friendsgiving
We invite all new professionals (10 years or less industry experience) to join us for a fun "Friendsgiving" Thanksgiving celebration at the CuliNEX Test Kitchen in Seattle.
We'll be hearing from industry veteran Mark Crowell, founder and owner of CuliNEX, on his storied career path from restaurants to Darden Restaurants, Starbucks, and eventually starting his own product development consultancy.

You do not need to be a new professional to attend, we encourage anyone interested in getting to know PSIFT members (new and old alike!) to join us!
When: Wednesday November 16th
Time: 5:30-7:30 pm
Where: CuliNEX 3429 Airport Way S. #10 Seattle, WA 98134
What: Thanksgiving Potluck
How: CuliNEX will be preparing a turkey and beverages will be sponsored by PSIFT. Please bring a side dish to help us round out the meal!
Please send Emily Munday a note at emily@culinex.biz to let her know if you’ll be able to attend or call her at 206-420-9902 with any questions.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
P.S. The next event will be Wednesday December 14th, mark your calendar now!